Showing posts with label swim team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swim team. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Submerged Swimmer

As you see I am keeping the theme swimming because of the heat. This swimmer seems to be imitating an alligator during warm up before a swim meet for the famous Flying Dolphins. Well in my home town they are famous. Using a long lens on your camera helps you to focus on the small details of an event no manner how chaotic. This team has about 200 swimmers and they have meets with other teams that have about the same number of swimmers. This many swimmers plus coaches, parents, and fans adds up to a beehive of activity that can seem chaotic to outsiders or even photographers. The best way for me to find peace and tranquility is to look at this world through my telephoto lens that seems to pluck small but important parts from this complicated scene.

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