Washington DC has a seemingly endless variety of interesting architecture. From modern to classic DC has it all. This is the original Smithsonian Museum and was the only building the Smithsonian Institution had until the 1960's. As I was looking at the old tree and the Castle I thought the two have existed together for a long time. By shooting black and white I was able to capture an image that concentrates on the rich tonality of the subject. Notice the leaves on the tree are white because of the fall color change.LynnFreeny.com
Workshop- The one day workshop will be on Saturday Nov. 3. There will be a field trip to Tremont in the Great Smoky Mountains. Price for Workshop: half day 150.00 and 250.00 for a full day. Half a day will be the morning field trip to Tremont. The all day will include the field trip and review of the images shot that day.
2019: It was a doozy
5 years ago